
Pilot test & Field trial, performed with 826 usersmClouds-Cloud based workspaces
Field trial plan
Field trial report
Pilot test report
MECA mClouds in 2019
MECA mClouds system in 2018
Quality assurance planNeed analysis report
MECA Quality Management Educational Need Analysis Report
Feasibility analysis mClouds eWorks
Specification of the Cloud systemSpecification of clouds architectures
Concept for the technical cloud environment
Specification of the Cloud System
Job-oriented training modulesTransferrable courses
Job oriented courses – syllabi
Learning Outcomes
Effective Communication
Project Management
Soft Skills for the Labour Market
mClouds for sharing institutional IT infrastructuremClouds with open educational resources
e-education free web template

Educational MECA entry point
mClouds for sharing CAD softwareTraining seminars for teachers, system administrators
for the use of mClouds and job-oriented education
16-22 months WP5 eWorks

Training course developers WP4
Training system admin WP5
Evaluation reportProject Web site and Web pages on partners’ languages
Intermediate evaluation report

French: INSA
Italian: POLITO
Macedonian: UKM
English: AMG
French: INES
Italian: ASTEL
Romanian: CETTI
German: eWorks
Hungarian: BME
Bulgarian: TU-Sofia
Spanish: UNED
German: TU-Berlin
Macedonian: Atronika