ERASMUS+ Capacity Building in the Field of Higher Education 619338-EPP-1-2020-1-AL-EPPKA2-CBHE-JP (2020 - 2023), Engineering curricula modernization in renewable energy in Albanian Universities, ENGINE.
ERASMUS+ Capacity Building in the Field of Higher Education 609715-EPP-1-2019-1-UZ-EPPKA2-CBHE-JP (2019-2022), New Study Program in Space Systems and Communications Engineering, SPACECOM.
ERASMUS+ Sector Skills Alliances 612339-EPP-1-2019-1-DE-EPPKA2-SSA-B (2019-2023), MicroElectronics Training, Industry and Skills, METIS
Erasmus+, Capacity Building in Higher Education 573828-EPP-1-2016-1-BG-EPPKA2-CBHE-JP (2016 – 2019), Internationalised Master Degree Education in Nanoelectronics in Asian Universities, NanoEl.
Erasmus+, Knowledge Alliance 562206-EPP-1-2015-1-BG-EPPKA2-KA, (2016-2018) “MicroElectronics Cloud Alliance“, MECA
Erasmus+, Capacity Building in Higher Education, 561627-EPP-1-2015-1-PL-EPPKA2-CBHE-JP-ERASMUS+CBHE (2016-2018), „Development of two cycle innovative curricula in microelectronic engineering“, DOCMEN
SCOPES IZ74Z0_137353 “Skills Development for Young Researchers and Educational Personal in Nano and Microelectronics Curricula: Implementation of Methods for Bilateral Knowledge Transfer between Universities and SMEs” (2011-2014)
Tempus 543861-TEMPUS-1-2013-BG-TEMPUS-JPCR (2013–2016) “Education in Nanotechnologies” (EduNano)
Leonardo da Vinci 2013-1-BG1-LEO05-08711 (2013-2015) “Osteosynthesis for Surgical Management of Fractures for Orthopedic Surgeons and Biomedical Engineers” (OrthoBioMed).
Leonardo da Vinci 2013-1-FR1-LEO05-48182 (2013-2015) “Evaluation of the Energy Efficiency in the Building Sector” (EvEnEf).
Leonardo da Vinci 142788-LLP-1-2008-1-BG-LEONARDO-LMP (2008-2010)
“Mobile Performance Support System for Vocational Education and Training”
Erasmus141944-LLP-2008-1-ES-ERASMUS-ECDSP (2008-2010)
“Internet-based Performance-centered Learning Environment for Curriculum Support”
Leonardo da Vinci (2008-2010)
“e-Training Microsystems Technologies”
Leonardo da Vinci FR/06/B/P/PP-152507 (2006 - 2008)
"Virtual Performance Centred Environment for Training in Nanoelectronics"
SCOPES IB7420-110851 (2005 - 2008)
"Swiss-Bulgarian Network in Education and Research in Packaging in Microelectronics"
SOCRATES 225692-CP-1-2005-1-BG-MINERVA-M (2005 - 2007)
"Distributed Internet-based Performance Support Environment for Individualized Learning" DIPSEIL.
SOCRATES 225679-CP-1-2005-1-BG-MINERVA–MP (2005 - 2007)
"On-Line Learning Mathematics and Sciences"
Leonardo BG /04/B/F/PP-166005 (2004 - 2006)
Training Courses for Personnel Involved in Decommissioning of Nuclear
Power Plants".
FP6 FI60-CT-2003-508835 (2004 - 2005)
Action on Education and Training in Radiation Protection and Radioactive
Waste Management" CETRAD,
Leonardo F/02/B/P/PP-118074 (2002 - 2005)
Centred Vocational Education - the Link Between Work and Education in
SCOPES/7IP669 (2001 - 2003)
Virtual Learning Environment
on Information Technology for universities in Switzerland and Eastern
Europe .
SOCRATES/90213-CP-1-2001-1-BG-MINERVA-M (2001 - 2003)
"Internet-based Performance Support Systems with Educational Elements"
SCOPES IZ74Z0_137353 “Skills Development for Young Researchers and Educational Personal in Nano and Microelectronics Curricula: Implementation of Methods for Bilateral Knowledge Transfer between Universities and SMEs” (2011-2014)
Erasmus 517836-LLP-1-2011-1-ES-ERASMUS-ESMO (2011-2013) “Remote-labs access in Internet-based Performance-centred Learning Environment for Curriculum Support”
Erasmus 510196-LLP-1-2010-1-IT-ERASMUS-ECDCE (2010-2013) “Master Degree Modules in Nanotechnologies for Electronics”
Leonardo da Vinci 510591-2010-LLP-FR-LEONARD-LMP (2010-2013), “Training New Skills for the New Jobs in Nanotechnology”
Leonardo da Vinci 509960-LLP-1-2010-1-BG-LEONARDO-LMP (2010-2012) “m-Learning Manager”
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ECoVEM project brings together VET centres, polytechnics, industrial associations, social partners to establish European Cooperation platform of Vocational Excellence in Microelectronics to tackle the challenges of: digitalisation, artificial intelligence, green technologies, gender equality and technology, integration of migrants. It builds on and complements the strengths of national VET systems in countries with more-advanced VET and supports the not so advanced regions to achieve VET excellence. ECoVEM implements innovative instructional approaches towards life-long capacity to self-regulate learning, hard skills and soft skills using the ecosystems-based theoretical models and performance support systems. ECoVEM contributes to the sustainable VET governance at national and EU levels through involvement of policy makers in VET and employment, social partners, industrial associations and companies for:
lifelong teacher training and stimuli for raised teacher’s qualification
implementing the advanced countries’ best practices and approaches to excellence in VET into less advanced regions
efficient financial models for VET including work-based and apprenticeship and for investment in VET and applied research
raising the role of VET in Smart Specialisation Strategies.
- Networking of CoVEs, industrial and social partners to share ideas, and experiences towards vocational excellence in microelectronics
- To develop innovative VET curricula for EQF 3 to 8 in Microelectronics in collaboration with companies and social partners
- To disseminate the microelectronics achievements in digitalisation, green energy, robotics, space technologies and medicine to raise the attractiveness of VET and microelectronics through open days, international schools and competitions
- To ensure sustainable governance at national and EU levels
- To tackle non-discrimination and social inclusion in VET focusing on the gender dimension of employability in the sector and VET for immigrants
- Technical University of Sofia, BULGARIA
ECoVEM embodies excellence in VET with 21 partners from 7 countries representing CoVEs for EQF 3-8, industry with national and EU industry associations, regulatory bodies in accreditation and certification and social organisations of women in technology and immigrants:
- Bulgarian Industrial Association
- Student Computer Art Society
- J-ArtEck
- SEMI Europe
- Technical University Berlin
- INES-Formation
- Pole SCS
- Chamber of Commmerce and Industry
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The ENGINE project aims to adapt, modernize and restructure existing engineering curricula in renewable energy that perfectly fits into the development strategies of Albania in curriculum modernization of engineering education.
- To analyze the educational needs in engineering for renewable energies through problem and job analysis, and to define the necessary knowledge, skills and competencies of engineers in the sector of renewable energies in terms of learning outcomes.
- To design syllabi and course content and assessment for compulsory and elective courses in VET and bachelor engineering education for renewable energy to meet the market needs and upgrade the university academic offer accordingly.
- To develop new e-learning courses with modular structure for the innovated curricula of Partner HEIs and to establish a platform for knowledge sharing between Albanian HEIs and program partner institutions.
- To innovate the laboratory equipment and to perform a pilot test and to start the implementation of the joint modules/courses’ delivery during the last project year.
- Polytechnic University of Tirana (UPT)
- Katholieke Universiteit Leuven (KU Leuven)
- Technical University of Sofia (TUS)
- Nationaland Kapodistrian University of Athens (NKUA)
- Kadir Has University (KHAS)
- European University of Tirana (UET)
- “Aleksander Moisiu” University of Durrës (UAMD)
- Professional College of Tirana (KPT)
- Albenecon
- Quality Assurance Agency in Higher Education (ASCAL)
- Creative Thinking Development (CRE.THI.DEV)
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The project aims to develop new certified courses according to the new achievements in the area, the labor market demands and the Bologna Process; to test innovated curricula and to disseminate the results.
- Development and modernization of the existing master’s program in satellite technology, space technology and communication systems, as well as the use of satellite communications in accordance with the recommendations of the Bologna process.
- Analyze educational needs in the target field; review the current curricula To update current programmes and curricula according to recent advances in the target field by the end of the second project year
- Develop, implement and accredit new practice oriented and student- focused core and transferable curricula and modules includ- ing ECTS and innovative academic environ- ment according to the B-Learning methodology
- Bring the Higher Education Institutions of Partner Countries closer to the Labor Market
- Tashkent University of Information Technologies
- Technische Universität ,Berlin
- Sorbonne Universite
- Artesis-Plantijn University of Applied Sciences
- Technical University Sofia, BULGARIA
- Coursento
- Ferghana Polytechnical Institute
- Tashkent State Technical University
- Turin Polytechnic University in Tashkent
- Karshi University of Information Technologies
- National University of Uzbekistan
- Astronomical Institute of the Uzbekistan Academy of Sciences
- Retraining In-Service Center of Academic Staff
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METIS is bridging the skills gap in the microelectronics sector for a more competitive Europe. The Sector Skills Alliance, co-funded by the Erasmus+ Programme, brings together a consortium of 19 key partners to develop skills intelligence deliver the METIS curriculum and training and promote microelectronics as a career choice.
- Develop the Microelectronics Sector Skills Strategy to help match demand and supply of skills thanks to a methodology to assess, anticipate, monitor evolution of relevant skills, competences and occupations in microelectronics
- Define and refine occupational profiles based on existing competence frameworks and the ESCO classification system of skills, competences, qualifications and occupations. Depending on the technological and occupational evolutions in this fast-paced sector, METIS will pave the way for the development of microelectronics-specific competence framework(s).
- Introduce innovative learning-outcome-based VET curricula jointly developed by industry & education that are modular, dynamic and flexibly adjusted along the occupational profiles and the level of users so that it can serve new entrants (training) to incumbent workers (re-training)
- Benchmark and align the METIS curricula and training with ESCO, EQF and EQVET principles of quality and relevance.
- Enhance the visibility of the microelectronics sector as a professional option, hence reversing the negative trends of limited awareness of microelectronics in society. METIS will also tackle the gender dimension of employability in the sector, bridging the gender divide.
- Ensure durable impact and sustain project results beyond EU co-financing, through the establishment of the Microelectronics Observatory & Skills Council.
- Infineon Technologies Austria AG
- Robert Bosch GmbH
- X-Fab France
- Graphenea Semiconductor
- Summa Semiconductor Ltd
- Arcelik
- Silicon Saxony
- Technische Universitat Graz
- Interuniversitair Micro-Electronica Centrum IMEC
- Dresden Chip Academy - SBH Sudost GmbH
- Universiteit i Sorost - Norge
- Technical University of Sofia
- Budapest University of Technology and Economics
- Innovazione Apprendimento Lavoro IAL FVG
- FIT Fast Track into Innovation Technology
- CIMEA Centro di Informazione sulla Mobilità e Equivalenze Accademiche
- Forefinger WiTEC European Ass of Women in Science, Engineering and Technology
- European Association of career Guidance
- DECISION Etudes et Conseil
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The project aims at transferring knowledge between EU higher education institutions and institutions in China, Malaysia, India and Israel, and between the partner countries’ (PCs) institutions to adapt, innovate and modernise existing curricula in Nanoelectronics in the four PCs; to develop new certified courses, to test innovated curricula and to disseminate the results.
- To analyse the educational needs in nanoelectronics and nano-bioelectronics through problem and job analysis, and to define the necessary knowledge, skills and competencies of engineers in the sector in terms of learning outcomes.
- To design syllabi and course content and assessment for regular and continuing education courses in nano-electronics to meet the user needs.
- To select innovative content for the defined learning outcomes and video-record lectures and practical work in the high-tech laboratories of partner institutions.
- To adapt/develop new e-learning courses with modular structure for the innovated curricula of partner universities and to establish a platform and procedures for knowledge sharing inside Asian, Israeli and European academy and students.
- To perform a pilot test and to start the implementation of the joint modules/courses delivery during the last project year.
- Technical University of Sofia, BULGARIA
- Politecnico di Torino, ITALY
- University College of Southeast Norway, NORWAY
- University of Malaya, MALAYSIA
- University Tunku Abdul Rahman, MALAYSIA
- University of Chinese Academy of Science, CHINA
- Chongqing University of Technology, CHINA
- Tel Aviv University, ISRAEL
- Bar Ilan University, ISRAEL
- University of Mumbai, INDIA
- NIIT University, INDIA
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mCloud Alliance brings together 18 higher education institutions (HEIs) and small and medium enterprises (SMEs) to develop Cloud-based European infrastructure and organisation for education in microelectronics providing a range of open educational resources (OERs), remote access and sharing of educational and professional software, remote and practice-based learning facilities.
Neither university can afford the necessary infrastructure, clean rooms, technology and experts in all fields of this multidisciplinary science. Sharing of laboratory experiences, CAD tools, project ideas, and a common infrastructure represents a sort of “educational cloud” on top of the cloud software/hardware infrastructure. 8 European HEIs and 8 SMEs will jointly develop e-learning materials for at least 16 courses on: CAD and technologies, test, and application of integrated circuits and systems, and we will deliver them as OERs to strengthen the virtual mobility. Each university will provide remote access to its facilities, laboratory experiments/software systems for the partners in a cloud teaching system, giving them access to new resources.
- Analysis of institutional, teachers and students’ needs in shared IT infrastructure, teaching materials and learning resources, meeting the requirement of the enterprises in microelectronics and translation into functional specifications of mClouds.
- Networking of project partners from HE institutions and SMEs, to share ideas, methodologies and experiences in order to improve the HE programmes to face the rapid technological change in the sector and joint development of job-specific training modules.
- Development of the mClouds system and realization of a shared server infrastructure, shared e-learning resources and the remote access to the CAD tools.
- Pilot test of the virtual services and training teachers and technical staff in their use.
- Implementation of jointly developed cloud-based OERs in microelectronics in the partners’ educational contexts.
- Technical University of Sofia, BULGARIA
- Institut national des sciences appliquées de Toulouse, FRANCE
- Politecnico di Torino, ITALY
- Universidad nacional de educación a distancia, SPAIN
- University Kiril i Metodii, FYR MACEDONIA
- AMG Technology OOD, BULGARIA
- Institut national d’énergie solaire, FRANCE
- Universitatea politehnica din Bucuresti –CETTI, ROMANIA
- Giga Electronic International, ROMANIA
- eWorks GmbH, GERMANY
- Open Universiteit Nederland, NETHERLANDS
- Budapesti muszaki es gazdasagtudomanyi egyetem, HUNGARY
- Technische Universitaet Berlin, GERMANY
- Lightware Vetitestechnikai Korlatolt Felelossegu Tarsasag, HUNGARY
- INOMA Renovables SL, SPAIN
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The proposed project aim is to adapt, modernise and restructure existing AM, IL, KZ curricula in Micro- NanoElectronics (MNE); to develop new certified courses, to test innovated curricula and to disseminate the results. With this it fits into the development strategies of all PCs in both curriculum modernisation and high-tech engineering education. In the context of the Copenhagen declaration, the EU 2020 flagship initiative, the 2011 EU Modernisation Agenda this project will support the modernisation and internationalisation of the HE in microelectronics through innovation of two cycles’ curricula in line with the new development in the area, the labour market demand and best practice. It aims to assist the PCs in reforming their HE systems in line with the principles of the "Bologna process" and is becoming a common reference point for both EU and PCs.
- To analyse the educational needs in micro- and nano electronics through problem and job analysis, and review the current curricula.
- This objective targets the challenges of the multi disciplinarily of the subject area and the needs of definition of new skills for new jobs in micro- nano electronics.
- To update the current curricula in Microelectronics according to Bologna requirements and the new developments in nanoelectronics by the end of the project.
- To develop, implement and accredit new practice oriented course curricula including ECTS.
- Politechnica Cracow, POLAND
- Technische Universität Berlin, GERMANY
- Technical University of Sofia, BULGARIA
- Politecnico di Torino, ITALY
- ECM SPACE Technolgies GmbH, GERMANY
- L.N. Gumilyov Eurasian National University, KAZAKHSTAN
- University Semey, KAZAKHSTAN
- North Kazakhstan state university named after M. Kozybayev, KAZAKHSTAN
- Caspian Public University, KAZAKHSTAN
- Tel-Aviv University, ISRAEL
- Bar-Ilan University, ISRAEL
- Sami Shamoon College of Engineering, ISRAEL
- Holon Institute of Technology, ISRAEL
- Yerevan State University, ARMENIA
- National Polytechnic University of Armenia, ARMENIA
- European Regional Educational Academy Foundation, ARMENIA
- Gavar State Technical University, ARMENIA
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The project focuses on closer cooperation in the university sector and transparency of qualifications and recognition methods. It is aimed at common courses development for the new skills needed for the new jobs in the multidisciplinary nanotechnology for MSc degree level, professionals and teacher training.
Although the HE in Israel does not follow the ECTS system, the objective of the Tempus Curricular Reform is 'Modernisation of curricula in academic disciplines identified as priorities by the Partner Countries, using the ECTS, the three cycle system and the recognition of degrees'. In this TEMPUS project we will work towards modernisation of engineering and physics curricula in nanotechnologies and test the introduction of ECTS within 6 Israeli universities and recognition of credits in the EU universities.
- To design syllabi and course content and assessment for regular and continuing education courses in nanotechnologies to meet the user needs and to determine the credits for each course unit, based on ECTS till September 2013.
- To select innovative content for the defined learning outcomes and - lectures and practical work in the high-tec laboratories of partner institutions by July 2014.
- To adapt/develop new e-learning courses with modular structure for the innovated curricula of partner universities and to establish a platform and procedures for knowledge sharing inside Israeli academy, industry and students by the end of September 2014.
- To perform a pilot test and to start the implementation of the joint modules/courses delivery from October2014 till September 2016.
- Technical University of Sofia, BULGARIA
- Politecnico di Torino, ITALY
- Tel Aviv University, ISRAEL
- Bar Ilan University, ISRAEL
- Grenoble Institute of Technology, FRANCE
- Samuel Neaman Institute for Advanced Studies in Science, ISRAEL
- Technion - Israel Institute of Technology, ISRAEL
- Ben-Gurion University, ISRAEL
- Weizmann Institute, ISRAEL
- Elbit Systems LTD, ISRAEL
- The Hebrew University of Jerusalem, ISRAEL
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Osteoporosis is the most common cause of fractures, due to bone mass reduction and increased bone fragility. A significant increase of fracture cases is expected in the coming years as a result of population aging and increased life expectancy. The incidence of lower limb fractures in traffic accidents is 90000 cases a year, of which 75% require surgical treatment. In 2008 fixation devices were used in approximately 420000 surgeries in Europe, associated with costs of more than 4,8 billion euro. A significant portion of these costs depends on re-interventions that are necessary to address failures of surgical techniques, usually caused by errors in the diagnosis of the fracture, in the selection of implants or preoperative planning. The increasing demand coupled with the large number of failures of surgeries determines the needs of better trained professionals able to address the growing demand in the field.
To respond effectively to these increasingly stringent demands it is essential that surgeons, biomedical engineers and residents can count on one hand on the latest knowledge in the art of biomechanics and application of implants and on another hand to upgrade their education with the objective to refine and adapt surgical techniques.
- Identifying and analysing the needs of biomedical labour market, of biomedical engineers, orthopaedic surgeons, managers, residents in the sector.
- Selecting and analysing the e-learning innovative content to meet these needs and upgrade the content with the new developments in the sector.
- Adapting, upgrading and implementing the Osteoform e-learning materials to the legal framework, training system, and language in Bulgaria and Greece and to the needs of the target groups in all partner countries.
- Technical University of Sofia, BULGARIA
- Instituto de Biomecánica de Valencia, SPAIN
- Medical Univesrity Plovdiv, BULGARIA
- Deaprtment of Orthopaedic Surgery and Traumatology of University of Thessalia, GREECE
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The EvEnEf project is intended to support the development of innovative and competitive professional approaches in the field of energy efficiency in the building sector. The new approaches in building design require new skills, new technologies and new practices.
This project brings together VET providers, higher education institutions, SMEs, chamber of crafts in the sector to assess future skills needs and promote business input into course design and delivery, as stated in the "New Skills for New Jobs" initiative and to adapt/develop special modules in the energy efficiency of buildings and its evaluation for upgrading knowledge in the sectors of construction, energy supply and water supply.
Through job analysis the necessary knowledge, skills and competences in thermal insulation and air-tightness, innovative and efficient systems for heating ventilation and cooling, thermal comfort, and the evaluation of the performance of all these technological solutions, will be specified, developed and tested during this project. The transferred pedagogical content will be adapted, upgraded and implemented on an e-learning platform.
The expected impact is the improvement of the competitiveness of SMEs of the construction sector and the improvement of the employability of the professionals on a European scale. This objective can be met if the quality of their work meets the new standards in the different European countries concerning the energy efficiency. To comply such a new level of quality, one of the key points is the evaluation of the energy efficiency of the new solutions implemented to improve the performance of building envelope and systems. The benefit is economical, with a higher competitiveness, and environmental with more comfortable buildings consuming less energy.
- Institut National d’Energie Solaire, FRANCE
- Eurocrea Merchant Srl, ITALY
- Technical University of Sofia, BULGARIA
- CHAMOIS Constructeurs, FRANCE
- Chambre des Métiers et de l'Artisanat de Savoie, FRANCE
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Mobile devices are popular and well used by many people within our target groups, but not for learning. With the current rate of development mobile devices will have the capability of delivering high quality, multi-media content at affordable prices within next years. Performance centred approach has been proven to be more effective than the traditional lecture-practice-test (expository inductive) in training higher order skills, for preparing learners for self-learning, improving, adapting for changing jobs. This project applies performance-centered approach in mobile learning management system.
The overall objective of the project is designing, developing, evaluating and implementing a Mobile Performance-centred Self-directed System for Education and Training (mPSS).
- Building operational definitions and a model of performance-centred learning, performance-centred learning object and self-directed learning in the context of mobile learning.
- Designing of a learning management system translating the model of performance-centred learning, performance-centred learning object and self-directed learning into functional specifications of Mobile Performance-centred Self-directed System (mPSS).
- Implementing of the mPSS in real educational and training settings
- Evaluating usability, utility and effectiveness of the mPSS
- Пловдивски университет „Климент Охридский”, BULGARIA
- International Software Consulting Network GesmbH, AUSTRIA
- Технически университет – София, BULGARIA
- Institut National Polytechnique de Grenoble (INPG), FRANCE
- CORVINNO Technológia Transzfer Központ Nonprofit Közhasznú Kft, HUNGARY
- Distance Education International, IRELAND
- Open University of the Netherlands, Educational Technology Expertise Centre, THE NETHERLANDS
- Universidad Nacional de Educación a Distancia, SPAIN
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IPLECS is a learning management platform for the development of performance-centered reusable and open course learning materials, their composition and organization in performance-centered settings and their usage to support university curriculum in the field of engineering education. The project aim is: Design, composition and reuse of performance-centered open course learning materials and experimental investigation of the effect of performance-centred platform for the curriculum support in engineering education.
- Development of “Information and Communication Systems (ICS)” curriculum.
- Development of Internet-based Performance-centered Learning Environment for Curriculum Support workflow model
- Implementation of ICS curriculum in partners’ educational contexts
- Evaluation of IPLECS as a multi-disciplinary and multi-lingual learning platform for task-performance-based education
- Analysis of IPLECS organizational, technical and quality related issues in order to share educational resources and to recognize a joint degree at European level
- Universidad Nacional de Educación a Distancia (UNED), SPAIN
- Пловдивски университет „Климент Охридский”, BULGARIA
- Технически университет – София, BULGARIA
- Institut National Polytechnique de Grenoble (INPG), FRANCE
- Cork Institute of Technology, IRELAND
- Open Universiteit Nederland, THE NEHERLANDS
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The shortage of engineers in micro- nanosystems and the systematic decrease of students in electronics at the university can be a threat to the European economy competitiveness. In the 21st century the high level research is increasingly complex and interdisciplinary. There are very few individual research teams, laboratories or companies that can reasonably claim to be able to respond to the technological challenges. The Internet courses within the mSysTech project will provide new opportunities for co-operation between vocational training institutions, universities and SMEs in the sharing of knowledge and educational resources.
This project is aimed at adapting and integrating innovative performance-centred training approach and courses from previous Leonardo da Vinci and Socrates/Minerva projects, into vocational education and training organisations and SMEs in microsystems technologies. The focus is on the transfer of innovation in two new countries: Romania and Bulgaria and in the multidisciplinary area of microsystems.
- identifying and analysing user requirements of managers, engineers, students and technical staff in the multidisciplinary science of microsystems Technologies,
- selecting ICT-based innovative content to meet these requirements and analysing the feasibility of transfer of the performance-centred approach to train this content,
- adapting and implementing the e-learning environment with training materials with simulations, demonstrations to improve skills in microsystem technology.
- training the core user groups of training providers – teachers, managers and educational policy makers in the innovative learning approaches and in the effective collaborative use of new technologies in vocational education and training.
- Universitatea “Politehnica” din Bucuresti, Centrul de Electronica Tehnologica si Tehnici de Interconectare, ROMANIA
- Технически университет – София, BULGARIA
- eWorks Klossek&Wleklinski GbR, GERMANY
- Centre Interuniversitaire de Micro-Electronique (CIME/Nanotech), FRANCE
- Giga Electronic International S.R.L., ROMANIA
- Asociatia pentru Promovarea Tehnologiei Electronice din cadrul Universitatii Politehnica din Bucuresti, ROMANIA
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"Virtual Performance Centred Environment for Training in Nanoelectronics"
The multidisciplinary science of nanoelectronics is just emerging. There is a need of re-training of personnel in the enterprises and education of young specialists for the sector and a collaborative development approach will provide the most effective training.
This project is aimed at the design, development, evaluation and implementation of a Virtual Performance Centred Environment for Training in Nanoelectronics. To this overall aim, the project will work toward achieving the following specific objectives:
- Development of a virtual performance-centred environment for university and vocational education in nanoelectronics (Train_Nanoelectronics environment) with tools for groupwork and a knowledge base.
- Design and development of distributed curricula in nanoelectronics technology, design and packaging.
- Development of an on-line performance support system for course developers.
- Training the core user groups of training providers– educational policy makers, teachers and managers in the innovative learning approaches and in the effective collaborative use of new technologies in education.
- Centre Interuniversitaire de Micro-Electronique (CIME/Nanotech), FRANCE
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Swiss-Bulgarian Network in Education and Research in Packaging in Microelectronics
This project is financed by the Swiss National Science Foundation within the SCOPES programme (Scientific Co-operation between Eastern Europe and Switzerland). It is designed in response to the change processes toward democracy and the real demands of the newly emerging national labour market in Bulgaria, with private small and medium-sizes enterprises, where human resources development becomes a priority of a new order. The project aims to strengthen the Bulgarian institution in order to equip young people with knowledge and skills, which will empower them to work effectively in the conditions of the newly formed market economy.
- Development of new curriculum and a script in PACKAGING IN MICROELECTRONICS to improve the quality of education and training in electronics in Bulgaria.
- Adapting the Swiss universities' good practices in management and implementation of eLearning to the specific needs of the Bulgarian university to help the implementation of the educational reform and the use of new technologies in education, and development of eLearning modules in PACKAGING technologies.
- Adaptation of modules of the new PACKAGING (packaging) curriculum to the needs of small and medium enterprises in electronics in order to provide training courses for professional qualification of their staff and of for re-qualification of jobless educated people.
- Renewal of the infrastructure for research and teaching in MICROELECTRONICS to strengthen the Bulgarian institution’s research performance
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- Designing of a learning environment translating the model of distributed learning, distributed instruction and individualized learning into functional specifications of DIPSEIL.
- Development of a Distributed Internet-based Performance Support Environment for Individualized Learning (DIPSEIL) for university and vocational education with implementation of innovative Distributed Internet-based Performance Support System Model (DIPSS Model) and Adaptive System Model (ASM)
- Implementing of the DIPSEIL in a real educational setting
- Evaluating usability, utility and effectiveness of the DIPSEIL. Target groups are: university students and teachers, education and training providers.
- Distributed Internet-based Performance Support System Model;
- Adaptive System Model;
- Distributed Internet-based Performance Support Environment for Individualized Learning;
- Task-oriented training courses and modules in four languages, on four servers;
- Evaluation methodology and measuring instruments;
- Workshops and reports on project findings.
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On-Line Learning Mathematics and Sciences
The project was aimed at implementation and evaluation of innovative approaches for activity-based and independent eLearning in mathematics and sciences.
- eLearning environment OnLineMath&Science based on demonstrations, simulations and problem-solving for the basic courses during the first two years of university engineering education. The target courses are in mathematics, physics and chemistry.
- Innovative testing system ForEva based on problem solving
- Support system of tutors/coaches from 3 European countries. Network is established in the 4 partners’ institutions. It is a distributed system for learner coaching from subject matter experts in mathematics, physics, chemistry and programming
- Reports on findings of the pedagogical research and OnLineMath&Science development. Research aspects related to: pedagogic effectiveness of the ICT-based learning of mathematics and sciences with activity-based approach and simulations.
- Technical University of Sofia, BULGARIA
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NPP-Decommissioning project
“Specialised Training Courses for Personnel Involved in Decommissioning
of Nuclear Power Plants”
A lot of the European Nuclear Plants have exceeded their designed
resource period and a number of nuclear installations are in different
stages of decommissioning. So, there is a need of training courses
for decommissioning activities in all European countries with NPPs
but in the Eastern-European countries this need is crucial. The NPPs
in Eastern and Central Europe are not yet ready in terms of experience
in the field of personnel training for decommissioning activities.
The national feasibility studies on nuclear plant decommissioning
are quite insufficient in general while problems for training personnel
for decommissioning are not been treated yet. That is why this training
should be designed with the help of a large European expertise.
design, development and testing of vocational training
for the personnel of nuclear plants to prepare them for the new work
situation - decommissioning of nuclear power units of different types
(VVER 440, RBMK) as well research reactors, through making more use
of the expertise and experience of various European bodies and other
qualified organisations active in this field;
of trainers and guidance counsellors;
of the new courses for vocational training on decommissioning of
nuclear installations in the other European countries with similar
nuclear reactors;
creation of transnational vocational
training network intended to make the innovative training tools and
methods as well as the specific requirements, decontamination activities,
approaches, technology and means to reduce radioactive waste during
decontamination process available to the broader public.
Training Centre of Kozloduy Nuclear Power Plant (KNPP),
Nuclear Regulatory Agency, Bulgaria
Tec , Germany
CORYS T.E.S.S., France
Centre for Nuclear Safety (CENS)
in Central and Eastern European Countries
Nuclear Power Plants Research
Institute VUJE Trnava , Slovakia
Technical University of Sofia
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The project (Co-ordination Action on Education and Training in Radiation Protection and Radioactive Waste Management) seeks to develop proposals for structuring and delivering both education and training in the management of the geological disposal of high-level and long-lived radioactive wastes and spent fuel in geological formations, and, to a lesser degree, radiation protection issues, across Europe.
This project is seen as a forerunner of a more comprehensive pan-European Network in this area, which it is planned will emerge from this work.
The final output of this work will be a comprehensive series of proposal recommendations for projects to address all of the educational and training needs in Europe in the field of radioactive waste management and radiation protection.
Agency for Radwaste Management
Commissariat à l[apostrophe]Energie Atomique
Center of Technology and Engineering for Nuclear Projects
DECOM Slovakia, spol. s r.o.,
Ente Nazionale per le Nuove Tecnologie, l'Energia e l'Ambiente
Forschungszentrum Karlsruhe
Geoenvironmental Research Centre
ITC School of Underground Waste Storage and Disposal
Instituto Technológico e Nuclear
Kozloduy NPP Plc
National Cooperative for the Disposal of Radioactive Waste
United Kingdom Nirex Limited
Nuclear Research and Consultancy Group
Posiva Oy
Public Agency for Radioactive Waste Management
Správa úlozist radioaktivních odpadu
Studiecentrum voor Kernenergie – Centre d'Etudes de l'Energie Nucléaire
Svensk Kaernbraenslehantering AB
Technical University of Sofia
Universidad Politecnica de Madrid
Webpage of the project
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Networking of project partners from SME, vocational
training organisations, universities and social work institutions,
to share ideas, methodologies and experiences in order to improve
the quality of the continuing vocational training and education for
the emerging knowledge economy.
Design and development of Internet-based Performance-Centred
Instructional (IPCI) system in microelectronics with implementation
of innovative pedagogical approaches for task-performance work-linked
instruction: the development of modularised curricula and assessment
methods for task performance; the development and use of appropriate
technologies for performance-centred instruction – online service
and training materials, electronic learning packages in order to
provide equal access and participation of youth, adults and people
with special needs in VE;
Development of new quality criteria and methods of
alternative assessment of trainee performance.
Technical University of Sofia
Masho Ltd – Malenko Tzanov
Centre de FC en micro-électronique et microsystèmes MINATEC - INPG
ELSYS Design
Préfecture de l'Isère
Budapest University of Technology and Economics
University of Twente
Webpage of the project
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The project was in the framework of the programme SCOPES 2002 - 2004 (Scientific co-operation between Eastern Europe and the Switzerland) of the Swiss National Science Foundation and financed by the Federal Department of Foreign Affairs of Switzerland.
The SCOPES project was designed in response to the change processes toward democracy and the real demands of the newly emerging national labour market in Bulgaria and Macedonia , with private small and medium-size enterprises, where human resources development becomes a priority of a new order. The project aimed to strengthen the SCOPES partner institutions in order to equip young people with knowledge and skills, which would empower them to work effectively in the conditions of the newly formed market economy. It is not simply a question of an adequate engineering qualification, but also of providing opportunities for personal development, for adopting new, international in spirit, attitudes and values, relevant to the challenges of the new information society of the 21st century.
Networking of project partners to share ideas, methodologies and different experiences in order to improve the SCOPES partners' existing educational models and approaches and to improve the framework conditions for research and teaching.
Adapting the Swiss universities' good practices in management and implementation of open and distance learning to the specific needs, culture and language of participating SCOPES countries.
Improvement of the quality of education and training in electronics in both SCOPES countries, Bulgaria and Macedonia, by introducing new quality criteria and methods of alternative assessment of student performance and standards synchronizing;
Training developers and teachers in the new approaches and modern methods for engineering education.
The collaboration involves the universities from two SCOPES partner countries - Bulgaria and Macedonia , and from the Switzerland in an active joint work:
University of Zurich, Switzerland
Technical Univesrity of Sofia , Bulgaria
Plovdiv University, Bulgaria
University "St.Cyril and Methodius", Skopje, the FYR Macedonia
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The project implemented developed an Internet-based Performance
Support System with Educational Elements (IPSS_EE) for university
and vocational engineering education with implementation of innovative
pedagogical approaches for task-performance oriented learning. C
omparative analysis was performed for improving the understanding
of learning processes and experiences in using information and communication
technologies and performance support systems for educational purposes.
Open University of the Netherlands with its Educational
Technology Expertise Centre (OTEC)
National University
of Distance Education of Spain (UNED) with its Faculty of Education
and Electrical and Computer Engineering Department , Spain are experts
in educational technology
National Polytechnical Institute
of Grenoble (INPG), France
Vienna University of Technology, Austria
University of Plovdiv
Technical University
of Sofia
Best practice at
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This project is aimed at strengthening the research and improvement of teaching in micro- nanoelectronics in Macedonian and Bulgarian universities through modernization of teaching methods and involvement of young scientists in research. To this overall aim, the project will work toward achieving the following specific objectives:
- Adapting the Swiss universities' good practices in teaching and training micro- nanoelectronics to the specific needs of the Eastern European partners to improve their educational models and approaches.
- Development of new curriculum and a script in nanoelectronics to improve and modernise the education and training in high technologies in Macedonia and Bulgaria.
- Training young scientists and renewal of the infrastructure for research and teaching in micro- nanoelectronics to strengthen the Macedonian and Bulgarian universities’ research performance.
Institute of Micro & Nano Technic – Laboratory of Applied NanoSciences (MNT-LANS), Haute Ecole d’Ingénierie et de Gestion du Canton de Vaud, University of Applied Sciences Western Switzerland (HEIG-VD)
Faculty of Electrical Engineering-Skopje, University "St.Cyril and Methodius", Skopje (FEES)
Department of Microelectronics, Faculty of Electronic Technology at the Technical University of Sofia, Bulgaria (TUS)
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The aim of the RIPLECS project is the definition and development of a telematics based European infrastructure and organisation for ICT curriculum providing a range of co-authoring, co-learning, simulation- and laboratory practice-based learning facilities. The RIPLECS project aims at adapting DIPSEIL system to enable real-world experiments remotely in an e-learning context of “Information and Communication Systems (ICS)” curriculum.
The goal in a concrete manner is a realization of practical tasks performance in courses from the complete master degree program through remote access to laboratories.
- Identification of user needs in practical ICT education and translation into functional specifications of Remote-labs access in Internet-based Performance-centred Learning Environment for Curriculum Support (RIPLECS).
- Development and validation of a prototype of the telematics based ICT educational service - RIPLECS
- Experimental study on the use of a new instrument ‘Remoteness’ in IPLECS environment through practical tasks performance.
- Analysis of RIPLECS organizational, technical and quality related issues in order to share content, support virtual students’ mobility and improve students’ achievements to gain qualifications and competence.
- Identification and dissemination of best practice pedagogic approaches for the use of telematics and multimedia technologies in ICT education.
Universidad Nacional de Educación a Distancia (UNED), SPAIN
Пловдивски университет „Климент Охридский”, BULGARIA
Технически университет – София, BULGARIA
Cork Institute of Technology, IRELAND
Institute for Technical Informatics, Graz University of Technology - TUG, AUSTRIA
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The project focuses on closer cooperation in the university sector and transparency of qualifications and recognition methods. It is aimed at common MSc degree level courses development for the new skills needed for the new jobs in the multidisciplinary nanoelectronics and a new job organisation.
There are few individual research teams, laboratories or companies that can laim to be able to respond to the technological challenges. To meet these needs in this project three (four with HEIG-VD) European universities will share infrastructure, technological and human resources and recognise the common, based on ECTS, certified modules, to be used in the partners’ MSc programmes in nanotechnologies. Each course will be designed by the best laboratory/ department in the field which dispose with the necessary infrastructure and facilities for practical work. They will develop e-learning courses and record the practical work in clean rooms in nano/biotechnologies.
After a successfully passed test, the students will perform the practice in the partners’ laboratories. The learning outcomes will be defined for each course with the corresponding credits after assessment, adopted by all partners. These credits will be transferred to the MSc programme in nanoelectronics at the partner university where the student is enrolled. So the universities will share their infrastructure, technological and human resources, they will recognise the common certified modules but each university will keep his autonomy regarding the national diploma delivery. The implementation of the joint courses will start during the third project year as a part of the regular curricula of the MSc degrees at each university.
The added value for the students will be in the highest quality of the specialised courses developed by the best departments in the field, the opportunity to train practical skills and competences in the laboratories with advanced equipment and facilities.
Coordinating institution:
Технически университет – София, BULGARIA
Centre Interuniversitaire de Micro-Electronique (CIME/Nanotech), FRANCE
Politecnico di Torino, ITALY
Tel Aviv University, ISRAEL
Photos of Grenoble INP students' practice in Bulgaria (311 MB)
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The project is intended to support the development of sectoral qualifications system and frameworks by definition of qualifications of engineers and technicians in nanotechnologies in terms of learning outcomes to promote transparency and recognition of vocational education and training (VET).
The project brings together VET providers, higher education institutions, SMEs, professional organisations to assess future skills needs and promote business input into course design, as stated in the "New Skills for New Jobs" initiative and to develop special courses for upgrading knowledge in the sector of nanoelectronics technologies.
Networking of project partners from SMEs, VET organisations, universities and social work institutions to share ideas, methodologies and experiences in order to improve the quality of the continuing VET to face the rapid technological change in the sector of nanotechnologies.
Analysis of labour market needs in nanoelectronics and nano-bioelectronics through problem and job analysis, and definition of necessary knowledge, skills and competences for engineers and technicians in the sector in terms of learning outcomes.
Development of Web-based training courses with modular structure to be used on-the-job as a performance support and just-in-time.
Design the evaluation of learning outcomes of knowledge, skills and competences and perform a pilot test with quality assurance procedures based on EQARF and related to the certification process and the European Credit system for VET.
Coordinating institution:
Centre Interuniversitaire de Micro-Electronique (CIME/Nanotech), FRANCE
eWorks Klossek&Wleklinski GbR, GERMANY (
XYALIS, France (
Syndicat de l’industrie des tubes électroniques et des semiconducteurs (SITELESC), FRANCE
Politecnico di Torino, ITALY
Consorzio per la Ricerca e l'Educazione Permanente, ITALY
Технически университет – София, BULGARIA
Institute of Micro & Nano Technic – Laboratory of Applied NanoSciences (MNT-LANS), Haute Ecole d’Ingénierie et de Gestion du Canton de Vaud, University of Applied Sciences Western Switzerland, SWITZERLAND
Tel Aviv University, ISRAEL
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mLeMan aims to develop and mainstream Europe wide skills recognition and qualification service for m-learning managers, and other individual management level charged with evaluating sourcing or implementing m-learning solutions.
To develop, in consolation with the main European m-learning actors, a skills set for the job role of m-Learning Manager according to the needs of m-learning market and taking into account VET and qualifications systems changes such as the shift to learning outcomes and competence-based systems
To develop m-Learning Manager Training Program: units of learning outcomes (LOs), LOs and steps of LOs, multimedia learning resources in the form of task for performance in four languages, in support of this established skills set
To develop DALA System (Development, Assessment, Learning, Assessment) with functions: set skills card, self assessment, create a learning portfolio, check learning references, attend courses online
To configure the new skills set and content in DALA, and pilot the program in all participating member states of the project (at least 100 participants in the pilot) and refine the program based on systematic feedback
To disseminate project results via a range of channels including European conferences in m-learning and e-learning, and certificates issued by EU Certificates Association ( (at least 10 certificated m-learning managers)
To ensure the sustainability of the project and its outputs through the European Certificates
Association and other bodies, and development of Exploitation plan and strategy with the clear steps and directions to setting up European system for accreditation of mobile VET – European m-learning Accreditation Center
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