Embedded answers (Cloze)
This very flexible question type is similar to a popular format known as the Cloze format.
Questions consist of a passage of text (in Moodle format) that has various sub-questions embedded within it, including
- short answers (SHORTANSWER or SA or MW),
- numerical answers (NUMERICAL or NM),
- multiple choice (MULTICHOICE or MC), represented as a dropdown menu in-line in the text
- multiple choice (MULTICHOICE_V or MCV), represented a vertical column of radio buttons, or
- multiple choice (MULTICHOICE_H or MCH), represented as a horizontal row of radio-buttons.
There is currently no graphical interface to create these questions - you need to specify the question format using the text box or by importing them from external files.
Here is an example of the input text used to specify such a question:
This example will appear to students as follows:
Question 1
Marks: --/12.00
b) What grade would you give it?
Good luck!
Discaimer: This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. The presentation reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.