Importing "Aiken" format files
The Aiken format is a very simple way of creating multiple choice questions using a clear human-readable format. Here is an example of the format:
What is the correct answer to this question? A. Is it this one? B. Maybe this answer? C. Possibly this one? D. Must be this one! ANSWER: D Which LMS has the most quiz import formats? A) Moodle B) ATutor C) Claroline D) Blackboard E) WebCT F) Ilias ANSWER: A
The question must be all on one line.
Each answer must start with a single-letter character, followed by a period '.' or a bracket ')', then a space.
The answer line must immediately follow, starting with "ANSWER:" and then giving the appropriate letter.
Discaimer: This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. The presentation reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.